Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Two Months Old. Aka this post was supposed to go up days ago but I forgot to publish it...

I'm Lydia Odette is two months old!  I can't believe it has already been two months.  Life flies in the NICU.  Lydia continues to make amazing progress and weighs 10 lb 13 oz and is 22 in long.  She is breathing entirely on her own and just needs to get oral feedings down.  
On an amazing note, we are slated to bring this little squish home...TOMORROW!!!!!!  I can't believe that we are coming back home at eight weeks old.  When I was pregnant, we were told we would be facing new a minimum stay of 4-6 months.  We are leaving after two.  This little girl is truly a warrior and has surpassed everyone's expectations.  I can't wait to get you home baby girl!  

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