Monday, June 6, 2016

In my NICU bag

I've been living the NICU life for over a month now and I realized early in that I needed a bag just to carry to the hospital with me.  There are some things they I wil only carry to the NICU and I didn't want to have to constantly be switching things from this bag to my normal purse.  This way, I just switch my wallet and everything else stays in this bag.  Of course everyone's NICU experience is different.  This is just what works for me.   
Not pictured are my wallet, NICU ID badges, and pump parts.  As for the first aid bag, I found that it is perfect for carrying all the little things that would normally migrate to the bottom of your bag.  It helps keep my stuff organized.  My bag is just is black faux leather tote from Target.

Planner, notebook, snack, book, Kleenex, hair tie, and first aid kit bag that holds all my little ransoms.

Lotion, gum, medical tape (used to label clothes and toys), Chapstick, nipple cream, marker, pads, breast pads, kleenex

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