Wednesday, June 8, 2016

And the beat goes on...

Ah life.  It's wonderfully weird and never what you expect it to be.  I never expected to be sitting here in a NICU pump room pumping that liquid gold that is breast milk while my daughter is lying in a crib being fed by a tube, but here I am.  Lydia is doing amazing and today we tried our first bottle.  She didn't love it, she didn't hate it.  We will be bringing her home with an NG (feeding) tube and to be honest I'm terrified.  It's not that we didn't expect it, because we always knew this was a possibility.  I'm just scared of learning how to replace the tube.  And everything else that this means.  Big changes are coming to the Rhoades household.  Big changes already have.  And the beat goes on.  

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