Thursday, July 16, 2015

Warts and all

I want this to be a real place.  I feel that in this digital age, it's far too easy to gloss over the unpleasant and make your life look like it's always rainbows and unicorns.  Life is messy.  I want this blog to be a keyhole to a life well lived and that includes the unpleasant parts.  The parts that you'd rather hide away.  We all have them and j think it's about time we start sharing them.  Personally I know it makes me feel better when I see another mom dealing with a toddler mid tantrum.  I feel sympathy for her because I've been there.  And I try to remember those moments when I'm dealing with the messier parts of life.  I am not alone. Everyone's life is messy.  That's not to say this will be a negative space.  On the whole it will be a positive one filled with times I want to remember.  But I'll also include the times that aren't so sunny.  Because let's face it, those are the times that make us human.  And I like being human.  Warts and all.

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