Saturday, July 11, 2015

Our Loss Story

This will be short and simple.  Figured people might wonder about our loss, so I'll try to cover as much as I can.  We found out we were expecting again about a month after Linus turned one.  It was a bit of a surprise seeing as Linus was so young, but we were excited nonetheless.  Everything was proceeding as expected, morning sickness, ultrasounds, the like.  After my second trimester quad screening, they called me in for more testing because my tests came back with an elevated risk of down syndrome.  I had the Panorama blood screen done and waited an excruciating 2 weeks for the results.  We found out that we were having a girl and she had Turner's Syndrome.  It's fairly rare and they don't know what causes it, but most babies with it do not make it to term.  Sure enough at our anatomy scan they found fluid around the baby's heart, lungs, and abdomen.  We were sent to see a specialist and genetic counselor later that week, but when we had the ultrasound, there was no heartbeat.  I was admitted to the hospital and induced and on May 22nd after 8 hours of labor, I gave birth to our baby girl.  It was the single hardest thing I have ever done.  Recovery was pretty straightforward and thankfully short lived.  I went back to work after a month and life goes on.  

Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be. Life goes on.

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