Saturday, July 11, 2015


Long story short yes?  My name is Sarah.  I'm married to Jon and we have two boys, Josh aged 13 and Linus aged 1.5.  We also have a baby girl in heaven who we lost this year at 20 weeks gestation.  She's kind of what got me started wanting to blog again.  See I used to blog a few years ago and basically got out of the habit.  Lately, I've been feeling the need to get back into it. Life is fleeting and I want to capture as much of it as I can in a place where my loved ones can always go to get in my head.  Although, really that's a scary place to be lol! I really enjoy chronically out adventures in a tangible format and a blog seems like a great place to do it.  As to what this blog will entail, probably everything.  Obviously it will have stuf about my family and our life but I'll also probably have recipes, videos, anything I'm into, basically this is going to be a place for me to unload all the chaos in my head!   So...long story, kinda short!

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