Friday, May 27, 2016


So it's been a minute.  Actually a lot of minutes, I know, but in my defense we have had a lot happen since last August.  So let me catch you up.  We had a baby.  Yeah that happened lol! Shortly after my last post we found out we were expecting again.  Then j had the morning sickness from hell.  Then we got a devastating prenatal diagnosis, then life got really crazy, then we had a baby girl, and now here we are.  That's the short version.  The long version is much more complicated.  In August we found out I was pregnant. We had only tried once, like literally one single time, so I was surprised to see that positive so soon.  Also, we had just lost Eleanore two months before so it was just a whirlwind all around.  We were excited but cautious.  I was sick my first four months of pregnancy and just wanted to sleep lol!  We had a first trimester genetic screening done due to our history and it came back clear so we felt good at that point.  We had our anatomy scan done in December right before christmas.  I was absolutely convinced it was a boy so I was shocked when they said girl!  Then i was worried because the ultrasound tech got quiet.  After the scan, the doctor told us that our little girl had a congenital diaphragmatic hernia.  Essentially, her diaphragm didn't form all the way and there was a hole allowing her stomach and other organs into her chest cavity.  Survival rate is never higher than 60%.  I pretty much retreated into myself at that point.  If not for Linus, I don't know how I would have handled this.  Why was this happening?  How could we have two girls with these life threatening defects?  Answer is that we were unlucky.  No one knows what causes this.  The next several months were filled with doctor visits and more ultrasounds than I ever imagined.  I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios ( excessive amniotic fluid) and was told to go to work, go home, and do nothing else. Even walking became extremely painful and took all my energy.  Jon had to take over all the housework and we were all exhausted and more than a little cranky.  At the beginning of April, I was relocated to Indy to be closer to the hospital I would deliver at.  My fluid levels were so high they were worried I could go into labor at any time.

On April 25 I was induced and after 6 hours of labor and three pushes (what?!) Lydia Odette was born.  She was immediately taken by the NICU staff to be intubated.  They let Jon take a couple pictures to show me then she was taken to the NICU.  Once she was stable, we were taken to see her.  Not gonna lie, it was hard to have to see her like that. She was in the NICU for about 36 hours and it was determined she needed to go in ECMO, so she was transported to the PICU and put on ECMO.  She was on it for 6 days.  They took her off and she had surgery to patch her diaphragm and move her organs back into her abdomen.  A few days post op and she was moved back to te NICU.  On Mother's Day, I got to hold her for the first time and she pulled out her ventilator.  She was doing well enough they left her on forced air and oxygen through a nasal cannula and she's been on that since.  She is receiving feedings through a feedin tube.  She has amazed us all with her progress.  It's hard to believe that this little girl who we were warned very well may not make it is doing as well as she is.  She is our warrior princess and we are so proud of her.

Linus got to meet her and he handled it very well.  Josh isn't ready yet, and we are respecting that.  Right now, Linus and I are still relocated to be close to Lydia so we only see Jon on the weekends.  So basically life is crazy.  But I'll try to update as i find the time.


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