Saturday, August 15, 2015

Garage Sale

Our house has been feeling really cluttered lately.  Our house is small to begin with, and we have waaayyy too much stuff which leads to a very cluttered house.  Luckily, Jon's brother and sister-in-law just moved and were planning a garage sale to clean out old stuff.  They invited us to put some stuff in the sale and I am taking full advantage of this golden opportunity.  We actually have a lot more stuff to get rid of then I thought.  My main problem has been holding onto things of Linus' because I'm really struggling with how fast he's growing up.  I'm just not ready to get rid of all this baby stuff yet.  I did put on my big girl britches though and get rid of a lot.  I also kept a lot.  Baby steps I say.  The tagging items is the worst.  I grew up in the boondocks and you just don't have yard sales in the boondocks.  Hopefully  we get a good turn out and make a little money.  Honestly I'm just glad I finally had an excuse to clean out the garage.  ;)  Here's to cleaning out the clutter!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Quiet time...

Ah life.  Always interesting.  Except lately not so much lol.  We've had a nice quiet couple of weeks around here.  We spent a lot of time with friends and family just making memories.  Jon turned the big 3-0.  In true Jon fashion he refused any kind of party and requested Mexican food for dinner.  I have to say it's been nice to have some down time with no big plans.  August tends to be the calm before the autumn storm lol.  September through December are so busy for us!  And with that I'll leave you some photos. Night all.

Monday, August 3, 2015

A little of this, a little of that

This weekend flew by!  Also, can we talk about how it's August!  How did that happen?!  This year has flown by.  I always heard about how fast time goes once you have kids, but it's unreal.  This weekend was beautiful and we took advantage of the nice weather.  Jon and Josh went canoeing on Saturday for some much needed father/son time.  It's Josh's last weekend before school starts and it was nice for them to get some alone time.  We spent the rest of Saturday outside playing and having a fire.  Sunday passed in a blur of laundry and coffe lol.  I did take some momma time while Linus napped.  We also went to visit Oma and Opa.  Linus lived picking (and eating!) tomatoes, and we realized that Josh is now taller than most of the people in Jon's family.  All in all not a shabby weekend.  And now the pictures!